Bundesamt für Sport BASPO

Internal Communication that Moves – "either way"

Bundesamt für Sport BASPO

13,000 people sensitized for more movement in everyday life? A huge endeavor. The internal communication campaign of the Federal Department VBS is not 'finger-wagging marketing' and no embarrassingly overwhelming engagement. Because everything works 'this way or that'.


Multilingual campaign for a federal department

Modern design concept implemented online and offline

Campaign narration for a diverse target audience


Slogan concept

Content creation

Corporate design

Campaign narration

Print materials & promotional items

Health, performance, well-being. All of this comes with movement – and that's exactly what the Federal Office of Sports (VBS) wants for its employees. Raise awareness, but how? With a campaign narrative that inspires – without overwhelming.

'either way' ('so oder so'), because movement doesn't always have to be high-performance sports.

Authenticity starts with model casting

From the office to the studio: For the major campaign shoot, employees themselves take center stage, setting a good example. The key visuals are selected to be as diverse as possible. Playing hockey or taking a leisurely stroll? On a snowshoe tour or action on the mountain bike? 'either way' ('so oder so')?

Thousands of people – and each has their own needs. The campaign of the Federal Office for Sports is tailored to a target group with various interests and fitness levels. From young to just before retirement, various professions, and backgrounds. All in three national languages.

In close collaboration with the project team, consisting of employees from various units of the VBS, the campaign was conceived and implemented at the drawing board. By now, we are encouraging VBS employees all over Switzerland to incorporate more movement into their daily lives – all in the service of greater health and well-being. A moving vision.

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Bundesamt für Sport BASPO